Nov 26, 2010

Website Design for SEO using Joomla

Website design for SEO using Joomla is a bliss - Joomla Bliss!

  1. Create 3 levels of your main menu
  2. Use 3 column layout
  3. Add severla modules on each columns, each with links
  4. Use a calendar of events with proper URIs (i.e. search engine friendly)
  5. Use aliased with keywords
  6. Install a site map component
  7. Buy iJoomlaSEO and work your keyword magic into various elements of the site's hierarchy and copy
There are other things you can do, but these alone will take an average site quite far.

That, and you will need to build back links. Focus on relevant links with kywords embedded in the anchor text. Get as many of those links as possible. For your local search, get links from your local websites.

Contact website design Ottawa for more tips.

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